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What is the longest wait between bitcoin blocks?

The longest-ever wait between bitcoin blocks was between the genesis block (the first block on the bitcoin blockchain) and block 1; a massive five days, 8 hours and 32 minutes.

Which cryptocurrencies use blocks and blockchains?

Because most blockchain definitions refer to Bitcoin because it was the first cryptocurrency to use one, many people associate blocks and blockchains with Bitcoin. However, other cryptocurrencies use blocks and blockchains as well. It's important to note that Ethereum's network has a cryptocurrency called ether that also uses blocks and blockchain.

How long does a bitcoin block take to process a transaction?

The block time on the bitcoin blockchain is roughly 10 minutes, or rather the network tries to reach a confirmation within that time frame. If all is running smoothly, then every 10 minutes, a new block of transactions is added to the blockchain, and transactions within the block are considered to be ‘processed’.

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